In Acts 1 Jesus ascends into the clouds as the disciples watch. I can’t help but wonder if they were startled when two angels appeared behind them to say that Jesus would return the same way that He had left one day! Many people have different ideas about what exactly will happen in the end, but the thing we can all agree upon is this: Jesus is coming back again one day!

This fun science experiment will help the kids in your ministry discover the wonder of Jesus’ return one day!


  • Tall Glass Jars
  • Shaving Cream
  • Food Coloring
  • Water
  • Bibles


Pass out the Glass Jars so every 1-2 kids has one in front of them depending on how big your group is / how many jars you can find (I used mason jars purchased from a local Walmart). Help the kids fill the jars about 3/4ths of the way full with water. Then fill the top fourth and a little over the top with shaving cream.

Put about 15-20 drops of one color of food coloring onto the top of the shaving cream. You can let kids pick one of the colors to put onto theirs. It takes about 8 minutes for the colors to drip through the shaving cream. While you’re watching the “clouds” and the coming “rain,” use the discussion questions below.

RΕAD: Acts 1:6-11. You can have the kids each read a verse or have one of them read.

  • What happened to Jesus after He had finished talking to the disciples?
  • Where did the disciples watch Jesus go?
  • Who appeared behind them and what did they say?
  • What do you think it means that Jesus is going to come back one day? How do you feel about that?
  • What did Jesus tell the disciples to do while they waited for Him to come back?
  • What should we do while we wait for Jesus to come back?

Say something like: “Jesus calls us to be His witnesses. That means we share with others about everything Jesus has done as we love God and love others. Jesus wants everyone to know about Him and the freedom and forgiveness that only He can give us! Who is someone in your life you can share the story of Jesus with? How can you show them God’s love?”

Finish by watching the food coloring drip through the shaving cream. Say something like: “Every time you see the clouds in the sky, you can remember that one day Jesus is coming back to make all things right!”