Welcome to KidMin News, a brand new segment on our podcast where we share the latest news from the world of Children’s Ministry! From VBS Theme reveals to new releases to what’s on the minds of Children’s Ministry Leaders everywhere, we’ve got you covered with the latest ideas to inspire your creativity in Children’s Ministry!
Today in the news: the Group 2024 VBS Theme is Revealed! We’ll talk about decorations, snacks, prizes, and a little bit of 1990’s Lisa Frank nostalgia, as well as take a look at the Bible stories and overall Scripture for the Group 2024 Theme. Visit https://www.group.com/childrens-ministry/vbs/scuba/ to learn more!

Welcome to KidMin News, a brand new segment on our podcast where we share the latest news from the world of Children’s Ministry! From VBS Theme reveals to new releases to what’s on the minds of Children’s Ministry Leaders everywhere, we’ve got you covered with the latest ideas to inspire your creativity in Children’s Ministry!
Today in the news: the LifeWay 2024 VBS Theme is Revealed! We’ll talk about decorations, snacks, prizes, and play what happens at this rotation as well as take a look at the Bible stories and overall Scripture for the LifeWay 2024 Theme. Visit https://www.lifeway.com/vbs to learn more!

Welcome to KidMin News, a brand new segment on our podcast where we share the latest news from the world of Children’s Ministry! From VBS Theme reveals to new releases to what’s on the minds of Children’s Ministry Leaders everywhere, we’ve got you covered with the latest ideas to inspire your creativity in Children’s Ministry!
Today in the news: the Cokesbury 2024 VBS Theme is Revealed! We’ll talk about decorations, snacks, prizes, and leader training ideas as well as take a look at the Bible stories and overall Scripture for the Cokesbury 2024 Theme. Visit https://www.cokesbury.com/ to learn more!

You asked for it, so here it is: the Volunteers Episode! We decided to invite in a special guest to cover the wide world of volunteers in Children’s Ministry, so this week we’re interviewing Nick Blevins who has a brand new book out called The Volunteer Playbook, available now from NickBlevins.com! In this episode, we ask Nick all of our questions about how to get volunteers to commit to serve in KidMin as well as how to creatively communicate church vision as well as how to appreciate every person on your volunteer team! This is an episode you won’t want to miss.

This week the KidMin Creatives are talking all about Prayer Stations! How do you use Prayer Stations to help the kids in your ministry pause, be still, and know that God is God? We’ll talk all about what Prayer Stations are, why they are an effective tool in KidMin, as well as how to create, set up, and lead them in your church!
Check out our Repentance Prayer Stations Experience!

Hey KidMin Creatives!
It’s never too early to start planning your Easter events, and if you’re planning an Easter Egg Hunt, this is definitely the episode for you! We’ll go into all the different types of Easter Egg Hunts you can host whether you’re in a large church, a small church, or a mobile church. We’ll also take a look at the history of Easter and answer the question: Are Easter Eggs actually borrowed from a pagan festival? From logistics to the why behind the event, you won’t want to miss this episode of The KidMin Creatives Podcast!

Hey KidMin Creatives!
Have you ever wanted to attend a Children’s Ministry Conference? Maybe you’ve been on the fence, wondering if you should go for it or not. Well, today we are going to do a deep dive into Children’s Ministry Conferences and why we think they can be a great way for you to grow not only as a KidMin Leader, but also in your faith! We also go deep into our tips and tricks for surviving a Children’s Ministry Conference through our many years of Conference Attending Experience!

Hey KidMin Creatives!
One little holiday that always gets overshadowed by Christmas is New Year’s! New Year’s can be an amazing time for the kids in your ministry to look back on everything God has done in the past year as well as looking ahead to what God will do in the coming one! We’ll give you some tips and ideas for helping kids discover and practice spiritual disciplines, as well as a bunch of creative ideas for your very own New Year’s Party you can incorporate any time in January!
Please support the worship artists we mention in today’s episode by legally purchasing their songs at the following links:
“Alive With You” – Gateway Kids Worship (Purchase Here)
“Promises” – DoorPost Songs (Purchase Here)
“Ready Set Go” – Yancy (Purchase Here)
“Freedom” – Worship Together Kids (Purchase Here)
“Hope and a Future” – DoorPost Songs (Purchase Here)

Hey KidMin Creatives!
This week we are taking a look at some of our favorite books for our Nursery, Preschool, and Early Elementary spaces at church! There are so many great books out there, so we wanted to give you our Top 5 books in three different categories: Nursery, Preschool, and Christmas. We’ll also dive into some tips and tricks for using picture and board books in your ministry settings and how best to keep kids engaged while you read to them.
Some of the books we mention in this episode:
- Baby Believer Series: https://www.catechesisbooks.com/
- Shh…Baby Jesus is Sleeping by Lisa Tawn Bergen: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0593232925/
- The Christmas Quest by Janet Surette: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1087746418/
- Cocoa’s Cranky Christmas by Beth Hughes: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1400221943/
- Tiny Blessings for a Merry Christmas by Amy Parker: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0762462094/
- The Silent Noisy Night by Jill Roman Lord: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1535923733/
- Adam Raccoon Series by Glen Keane: http://www.adamraccoon.com/
- Deborah and the Very Big Battle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1784985562/

Hey KidMin Creatives!
It is almost Thanksgiving here in the United States, and so we wanted to give you an episode filled with ideas on how to help the kids in your ministry give thanks to God for all that God has done, is doing, and will do one day! We’ll dive deep into message ideas, games, songs, crafts, and response activities you can use this year in your Children’s Ministry!
Here are some of the resources we mentioned in this episode:
- “Grateful” – Worship Together Kids. Lyric Video | Dance Video
- “All the Things” – Yancy. Lyric Video
- “All the Earth” – Doorpost Songs. Lyric Video + Dance Video
- Thanksgiving Bingo Download

Hey KidMin Creatives!
This week we are diving deep into science experiments: why are they useful in children’s ministry, where can we find them, and how do we even go about performing science experiments? We’ll go through some how-to’s, how-not-to’s, and give you some best practice tips for using science in your children’s ministry settings!
Here are three of the resources we recommend in the episode:
1. Top 50 Science Based Bible Lessons: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1628629606/
2. Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1496458168/
3. Big Book of Science Fun for Elementary Kids: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0830772448/

Hey KidMin Creatives!
Today on the podcast we are interviewing author Brock Eastman about faith, science, and his new book, a devotional for families called Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop! We’ll talk about how families can incorporate devotions as a spiritual practice as well as how Children’s Ministry Pastors and Leaders can use science to help kids discover the God of the universe! Join us in this very special episode with guest Brock Eastman.
You can find Brock Eastman online at:
His new book Faith and Science with Dr. Fizzlebop comes out November 9, 2021, available wherever books are sold!

We’re finally back to recording new episodes for a new season! This is the official start of Season 2 where we discuss what we’ve been up to in the past year as well as some of our summer and fall events. We also dive deep into events around Halloween time and what are some best practices for a Trunk or Treat event. Come join us as we talk all things KidMin and get creative while doing it!