It’s Fall Season around here, and there is no better way to incorporate the fun of Fall than by doing a pumpkin-based activity! This Response Activity is a terrific follow up to any lesson about sharing the love of God with others!


  • Pumpkin
  • Pumpkin Carving Tools
  • Pens / Markers / Crayons
  • Pumpkin Cutouts (Available on Amazon here!)
  • Electric Candle


Ahead of time, carve out a simple face on the pumpkin. Save the pieces that fit into the holes. After you’ve carved out the pumpkin and cleaned it out fairly well, put the pieces from the face back into place. Place the electric candle into the pumpkin. Turn the candle on right before you share with the kids.


Face the pumpkin towards the kids. Then say, One of the last things Jesus said face to face with the disciples in Matthew 28:19-20 is this. Read Matthew 28:19-20 to the kids.

All of us have been given this same mission: to share the story of God with others by loving God and loving others. When we share with other people about everything God has done, we’re kind of like pumpkins with a candle shining inside! Look at the pumpkin. Like this one! Isn’t this pumpkin shining so brightly? Let the kids answer that no, the pumpkin is not shining brightly! Wait a minute. What’s going on here? Why can’t you see the light shining inside this pumpkin?

You can’t see the light shining from inside this pumpkin! Open the lid and pop out the face pieces so the kids can see the light shining through. There! That’s so much better! Now you can see the light shining from inside the pumpkin! When we show God’s love to others and share about everything Jesus has done for us by dying on the cross and coming back to life three days later, we shine too — with the light of Christ inside of us! Jesus has called us to share the story of God with everyone around us — our friends, our family, the kids on our soccer team, everybody!

Pass out the pumpkin papers and writing utensils. Here’s what I want you to do: Either draw a picture or write down a way you can share God’s love with someone else. Maybe that’s by using your words to tell someone about Jesus, or maybe that’s by showing someone God’s love by being a good friend or inviting someone to church or singing a song about Jesus, or creating an art project about God, or even being someone who includes others when you’re playing sports! The possibilities are endless! What is something you are good at doing that you can use to share God’s love with someone else?

Give the kids a few minutes to write on their pumpkins.

Once you’ve drawn your picture or written down how you want to share God’s love, fold it up and bring it up to the pumpkin. Take the lid off the pumpkin. As you drop it into this pumpkin, pray this simple prayer: “God, help me to share Your love with everyone. Amen!”

Play some worship music in the background while the kids work on their pumpkins. Instruct kids who finish early to stay quiet or sing along with the worship song until everyone has finished. Once everyone is done, then pray for all the kids, asking God to bless each one as they share God’s love with others!